Exchange Rates Between the United States Dollar and Forty-one Currencies

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What Was the Exchange Rate between the U.S. Dollar and 40 Currencies?
Initial Year:
Ending Year:
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The table(s) present the price of one United States Dollar.

Switzerland, 1960 - 2008

19604.3193 Franc
19614.3195 Franc
19624.3245 Franc
19634.3217 Franc
19644.3193 Franc
19654.3279 Franc
19664.3264 Franc
19674.3282 Franc
19684.3161 Franc
19694.3129 Franc
19704.3105 Franc
19714.1110 Franc
19723.8178 Franc
19733.1546 Franc
19742.9684 Franc
19752.5811 Franc
19762.4992 Franc
19772.3973 Franc
19781.7767 Franc
19791.6643 Franc
19801.6772 Franc
19811.9674 Franc
19822.0327 Franc
19832.1006 Franc
19842.3500 Franc
19852.4551 Franc
19861.7979 Franc
19871.4918 Franc
19881.4643 Franc
19891.6369 Franc
19901.3901 Franc
19911.4356 Franc
19921.4064 Franc
19931.4781 Franc
19941.3667 Franc
19951.1812 Franc
19961.2361 Franc
19971.4514 Franc
19981.4506 Franc
19991.5045 Franc
20001.6904 Franc
20011.6891 Franc
20021.5567 Franc
20031.3450 Franc
20041.2428 Franc
20051.2459 Franc
20061.2532 Franc
20071.1999 Franc
20081.0816 Franc

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Lawrence H. Officer, "Exchange Rates Between the United States Dollar and Forty-one Currencies,", MeasuringWorth,

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